Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just Another Day

Today was my first day not doing my internship, and let me tell you, it was GREAT! I didn't have to be at school till 12:20PM, so I didn't roll out of bed until 8AM and it was marvelous. I took my sweet time getting ready for school, and even had time to pick out my outfit for tomorrow, which was a major plus. I then headed to the grocery store, and I really should know better than to go to Holiday, as I got stopped by everyone who knows me. It's amazing how fast news travels of you wanting to move out in a small town. At the store I got my Dad's gift card and birthday card, because today is his birthday yay!!...

After all my extravaganzas I drove to school. Silly me though, I forgot it was so late in the afternoon and there would be no traffic. So even though I didn't have to be in class till 12:20 I was at the school at 10:50. This at least allowed me to pay part of my loan and turn in all my internship paperwork, and I really can't explain the happy dance I am doing right now knowing that that is over. I hated my internship, where all I did was freaking inventory. Teachers tell you oh yeah at your internship you will get all sorts of hands on experience and then you get there and do absolutely nothing but stare at a monitoring screen or inventory. It was such joyous fun....not...

After all that Wayne came early and we got to have ourselves a little picnic for lunch and catch each other up on our day. It was very relaxing, and we always enjoy watching the little squirrels try to be all stealthy in snagging food left behind by other students. We then went to our ONLY class of the day. It was rather dull and I find it amazing how we manage to stay awake in class after lunch time when he turns off the lights and puts on a power point. You just can't help but wonder, really dude? Most of us don't sleep much and by turning off the lights its like telling us to just go ahead and pass out and everything will be fine haha.

Then I got to work. It was freaking busy from the get go. I had two meetings, and I got into an argument with one of my coworkers. His stupid self got an email from a customer talking about a problem she had that he had been working on. Turned out he wasn't really working on the issue and didn't know what she was talking about so chose to ignore the email instead of handling it. In turn I told him how unresponsible that was and that's how you lose clientele. He really quickly back pedaled and started changing his story. Then started apologizing and kissing butt. I was really shocked how ever that he didn't go running to the manager as he is the biggest tattle tale that works here, but even if I had gotten in trouble it would have been worth it. It felt great to finally stand up to this guy who constantly tries to tell me what to do or make me do things when its his own work and he's just too lazy to do it, or feels it is below him to do it. Then I had to do battle with a big cart with a computer on it and use it to log into a bunch of servers. Well logging into the servers and labeling them was easy. Getting the cart back through the door on the other hand was damn near impossible. The cart got caught on the mat and then the keyboard trap got caught on the sign and I was pulling and pulling because I knew if I didn't get the cart through the door in 40 seconds the stupid building alarm was going to go off, and I so did not want to do that. I guess I kept making noises while the cart was stuck and the two guys on shift came to my aid to help me get it through. Lol it was fairly amusing and they kept making fun of me, but I can say, I at least did not set off the alarm haha. We all had a pretty good laugh at my battle between the cart and door. All in all, today was a pretty good day.

This is my life, and everything's just peachy...

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